has proceeded from the assumption that there is a single, universal strategic rationality, which will be adopted by ‘any player who had his wits about him’. During the arms control heyday after the signing of SALT I, a vulgar version of that ...
Caveat emptor! The initial spark started out as a film script because I have always loved reading, writing, and movies. I worked on my project and eventually realized the odds of actually getting a film financed—one that would undoubtedly require a blockbuster budget—were hopelessly poor. For...
Consumerismcaveat emptorglobalisatione-commerceConsumerism is a movement or policies aimed at regulating the products or services, methods or standards of manufacturers, sellers and advertisers in the interedoi:10.2139/ssrn.1877744Dr. Tabrez AhmadJai Mangalam...
For this reason a caveat emptor warning appears that applying the systems approach will fail unless taken seriously at all levels in the business. Originality/value – Originality confined to the domain of bringing existing knowledge together and exploiting it in such a way that the contribution to...
Caveat Emptor: or some thoughts on ethics and online book buying In Lincoln’s Own Words Heritage Seeks Illustration Art for April Sale Visual Art Original Art from Marvel’s 1970s Comic Books to Auction at Hake's Dwight Cleveland’s Rare Movie Posters Collection to Auction R...
For this reason a caveat emptor warning appears that applying the systems approach will fail unless taken seriously at all levels in the business. Originality/value – Originality confined to the domain of bringing existing knowledge together and exploiting it in such a way that the contribution to...
For this reason a caveat emptor warning appears that applying the systems approach will fail unless taken seriously at all levels in the business. Originality/value – Originality confined to the domain of bringing existing knowledge together and exploiting it in such a way that the contribution to...