From the above definition, it should be clear thattrade cycleis the rhythmic fluctuations of the economy, that is, periods of prosperity followed by periods of depression. However, the waves of prosperity and depression need not always be of the same length and amplitude. Further, trade cyc...
When it comes to cultivating strengths in emotional intelligence, you’re at a huge disadvantage if you’re only interested because others say you should be. Your emotional intelligence is so tied up in your sense of self that being intrinsically (内在的) motivated to make the effort matters ...
Currently, the majority of the World Bank Group’s activities in the water sector are destined to supporting publicly run water utilities, either through loans, technical assistance or grants; however, in some circumstances, private tenders or private-public partnerships (PPPs) ca...
How and why has the non-market environment grown in importance and complexity over time. Why is sustainability a strategic goal for business? Why does a company's strategy tend to evolve over time? Why is the concept of self-interest important in economics?
The problem of the business cycle occupies a central place in bourgeois economic literature of the 20th century. Hundreds of monographs, pamphlets and articles are concerned with this problem. Introducing the Soviet reader to some of the most fundamental of these will contribute to the development ...
The value of a ban on product simulations and renderings on a crowdfunding platform Crowdfundingrhetoricsignallingimproved proof of conceptWe exploit the 20 September 2012 intervention on Kickstarter where projects in the Hardware and Project ... PC Patel,MT Wolfe,AS Manikas - 《Applied Economics》 ...
The supply chain represents the cumulative sum of different suppliers, which for multinational enterprises may encompass firms in three, four, or five continents. For smaller businesses, the entire supply chain may be local to only one c...
Decentralization is a pervasive concept found across disciplines, including Economics, Political Science, and Computer Science, where it is used in distinct yet interrelated ways. Here, we develop and publicly release a general pipeline to investigate the scholarly history of the term, analysing 425{...
In order to be successful, governments and their citizens must both earn and spend currency to keep the economic cycle in motion. Investment is a basic principle of economics that has the purpose of helping to grow the economy and generate profit. What is an investment? An investment is ...
In economics, returns to scale is a supply-side concept that is used to define the efficiency of input resources to generate output, such that it shows how a change in input resources will lead to a change in total output produced during the production process....