What is adverse selection? Give an example and explain why it is a problem. Explain the adverse selection and summarize the ways in which it can be reduced. Define the concepts of adverse selection and moral hazard, then, discuss how they are present in the context of health insurance. Defi...
Vulnerability is complex because it involves many characteristics of people and groups that expose them to harm and limit their ability to anticipate, cope with, and recover from harm. The subject is also complex because workers in many disciplines such as public health, psychology, geogr...
Equilibriumadverse selectionincomplete informationrisk-sharingefficiencyInter-firm rivalry and its impact on the stationarity of the economy are formalized in terms of selective efficiency that extends the Pareto and the Caldor-Hickdoi:10.2139/ssrn.428840Peter S. Faynzilberg...
Describe the implications of adverse selection in insurance markets that contain information asymmetry and community ratings. Explain your response. Discuss the importance of insurance to the risk averters. What is the difference betwen the hedging point policy and the casual economic pr...
When I was teenager, I felt that I was just young and uncertain-that I was a new boy in a huge school, and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem. For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of the...
In the past, the administration of convalescent plasma of patients having recovered from SARS and severe influenza to patients actively having the disease showed promising effects on mortality and appeared safe. Whether or not this also holds true for the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus is currently ...
Vaccine hesitancy (VH) is considered a top-10 global health threat. The concept of VH has been described and applied inconsistently. This systematic review aims to clarify VH by analysing how it is operationalized. We searched PubMed, Embase and PsycINFO
Fosun Pharma had successfully launched three biosimilars—Han Li Kang®, Han Qu You® and Han Da Yuan®; the new medicine Avatrombopag Maleate tablets (commodity name: Su Ke Xin®) has been approved by China NMPA for launch and included into the national medical insurance reimbursement...
How is credit risk related to the concepts of adverse selection and moral hazard? Explain insurance and risk. Explain the concept of the bear markets. Explain and give at least 3 examples of risk vs. return tradeoffs in financial markets and asset management. Explain how the i...
What is adverse selection? How do insurance companies minimize its impact on premiums? Can adverse selection be a reversible principle in favor of the consumer? Can citizens (like you) affect policy decisions? What are some ways that citizens can participa...