LIVELIHOOD DIVERSIFICATION: A CONCEPT NOTE ON MARGINAL FARMERS DRIVING FORCES IN AFRICAPast studies revealed vulnerability associated with agricultural production diversification in Africa. There are no recent reliable estimates to see if the diversification strategies have been improved after the introduction ...
This could include such things as: building collapse with loss of life or loss of livelihood inputs and support infrastructure; loss of transport and energy infrastructure and its impact on livelihoods, health and employment, etc. How were the post-impact relief and rehabilitation process...
by the rooftopfarming conceptfromProject GROW, Cyberport partnered with the project host Film Culture Centre [...] 市區耕作」的概念源自城市農場計劃(Project GROW)創辦的「通天菜園@土瓜灣」,數 碼港商場與創辦此計劃的電影文化中心合作把「城市農場」引入數碼港週末藝墟。
roughlyfourpercentofgrossvalueaddedfromagriculture.About3-4millionpeople, 80%ofwhomareresource-poor,dependonrootcropsforlivelihoodbecausethey cultivatemarginallandwhereonlythesecropscangrowandyieldproductivelywith minimalcareandinput.Tothesepoorhouseholds,rootcropsareakeylivelihood resourceforfoodsupplyandcashincome....
1 ConceptnoteonplatformbuildingNBDC(draftforfeedback) KeesSwaans,basedoninputsfromAlanDuncan,SeifeAyele,EvaLudi,RanjithaPuskur, TilahunAmedeandKatherinePfeifer 1 30March2011 1.Introduction Thepurposeofthisnoteistoinitiateideasaroundtheformationofinnovationplatform(s)for improvingrainwatermanagement(RWM)inthe...
While the Maasai exclusively practiced pastoralism and hunted wild animals for food, the Ogiek lived inside forests, depending directly on them for livelihood. This instilled a sense of conservation awakening and environmental stewardship. Well, until modern conservation happe...
This could include such things as: building collapse with loss of life or loss of livelihood inputs and support infrastructure; loss of transport and energy infrastructure and its impact on livelihoods, health and employment, etc. How were the post-impact relief and rehabilitation proces...
In the basin, livestock farming is traditionally the predominant source of livelihood. It is complemented by rain-fed agriculture, primarily based on pearl millet (known locally as “mahangu”) and fishing during the wet season [15,27]. Rainfall is not typically stored in the project region, ...
Also, the optimization of rural landscapes within a landscape governance planning framework ought to ensure the sensible utilization of fragile socio-economic and cultural livelihood systems of places still in their first generation (e.g., via place rewilding) and the establishment of farmland ...
Individuals’ participation in the workforce plays a central role in providing them a livelihood and a basis for social insurances and social participation. Work is an influential factor during the life course and has a potentially large impact on one’s health and well-being [1]. At work, ...