The Mercedes-Benz Concept CLA Class unveiled at IAA Mobility 2023 in Munich, Germany, offers a close-to-production insight into the upcoming family of vehicles that stands at the gateway to the brand.
对不起,我表示我不能接受。前不久的慕尼黑车展上,奔驰发布了2023 CLA-Class Concept,基于MMA平台打造而来。MMA平台是什么?它是奔驰的首个紧凑型级别的电动平台,会为后续所有入门级的新能源车型,打下一个平台化制造的基础。只是当我看到全新CLA概念车的时候,我不禁OS:未来以Q萌为王??外观方面,最吸睛的就...
The EV will be offered in single-motor rear-drive and dual-motor all-wheel drive variants, but Mercedes was not ready to tell us if the ICE cars will be front-drivers like the current CLA or use rear drive like the EV concept. In the Concept CLA Class that was shown, power comes fr...
Concept CLA Class展示了这项技术,预计WLTP续航里程超过750公里,消耗率仅为每100公里12kWh。 后轴上的两速齿轮箱增强了性能和效率,而先进的碳化硅逆变器确保了能量的最优利用。 Concept CLA Class展示的创新建立在梅赛德斯-奔驰模块化架构(MMA)之上,这是一个为紧凑型和中型电动车辆设计的平台。 以电动优先为设计重点...
The new Mercedes-Benz Concept CLA-Class is an all-electric take on Mercedes’ smallest 4-door car, bringing an exceptional estimated range, high-end electric charging tech, and cutting-edge safety features.
M.Benz(梅赛德斯奔驰)于2023慕尼黑车展发布了“Concept CLA Class”概念车,被视为新一代CLA的雏型,且预告量产版还将推出四种车型! 为了达成“Ambition 2039”的品牌愿景,M.Benz近年来不断扩张EQ电动车产品,而本届慕尼黑车展上发布的Concept CLA,也预告入门级轿车即将迈向电车时代!眼前这辆概念车首搭全新MMA纯电模组...
梅赛德斯-奔驰再次挑战汽车界的传统,通过其最新概念车CLA-Class,向世人展现豪华电动出行的美好未来。这款概念车于2023年的慕尼黑国际汽车展(IAA 2023)上首次亮相,旨在展示梅赛德斯-奔驰新一代电动紧凑型车平台。 基于梅赛德斯-奔驰模块化架构(MMA)打造的Concept CLA-Class,以其流线型外观设计、可持续内饰材料和惊人的续...
——CLA Class Concept 对不起,我表示我不能接受。 前不久的慕尼黑车展上,奔驰发布了2023 CLA-Class Concept,基于MMA平台打造而来。MMA平台是什么?它是奔驰的首个紧凑型级别的电动平台,会为后续所有入门级的新能源车型,打下一个平台化制造的基础。 只是当我看到全新CLA概念车的时候,我不禁OS:未来以Q萌为王??
“The Concept CLA Class is the forerunner for an entirely new all-electric segment of entry-level vehicles at Mercedes-Benz,” says chairman of the Merc board Ola Källenius. “The range will comprise a total of four new models – a four-door coupe, a shooting brake and two stunning...
奔驰下一代电车:Concept CLA-Class[馋嘴] 750公里的纯电续航,12kWh/100km的能耗,全新MMA平台。而且,这外形够呆萌的[打call]