In the Hebrew bible, the Goel (גאל) is a Hebrew term meaning“redeemer,”which according to Scripture and rabbinic tradition, denotes a person who is the nearest relative, and is charged with the duty of the restoration of property, delivering one from slavery, and being responsible...
This chapter investigates the concept of cyberlaundering and attempts to deconstruct the concept legally (See Leslie (2010, Chap. 3)). Bearing in mind that cyberlaundering borders the fields of money laundering and cyber crime, the chapter starts off by investigating the rationale behind the advent...
”Shun(2000) explains that “living up to the ideal to servet’iendoes not involve a renunciation of the social world; instead, it requires the fulfillment of human relations and full social engagement” (p. 210). It is not that humans have to submit to metaphysical laws of morality or ...
One can think of the IoT as devices autonomously broadcasting data to help in the fulfillment of an automation objective [37]. However, both the communication network and the subsequent storage systems do not make decisions beyond the security protocols dealing with cyber-attacks. It is true that...