In short, creating courses has been my passion and professional vocation for my entire adult life. I'm no charlatan, and I'm absolutely passionate about sharing the course creation process with others so that we can all continue to make a difference, in our own unique ways. ...
Emma Absolutely fantastic. Phil always spent enough time talking to everyone about their work and teaching a few new techniques. Also always very positive and encouraging. Natalie This course showed me other techniques in referencing, photo manipulation and reference painting to achieve a more efficien...
Write a perfect concept art resume with our examples and expert advice. Concept art resume template included.
Novel Writing Courses and "Novel Writing on Edge" Work and Study Forums Novel Writing on Edge - Nuance, Bewares, Actual Results Bad Novel Writing Advice - Will it Never End? Art and Life in Novel Writing The Short and Long of It Quiet Hands, Unicorn Mech, Novel Writing Vid Revie...
In order to use AR in creating concept maps, when concepts can be animated and the relationships can be easily organized via AR, concept maps can be easily adapted by students and teachers. Accordingly, they can easily be integrated into the science courses with the sense that they are not ...
4 Real-Life Ways to Decorate with Antiques Designing For Comfort: Building A Sensory-Supportive Home For Individuals With Autism Creating a sensory-friendly home is crucial for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as it helps improve their comfort and functionality in their living spaces...
Possumwood is a graph-based procedural authoring tool, in concept not dissimilar to popular CG packages like Houdini, Blender or Maya. It is intended to serve as a sandbox for computer graphics algorithms and libraries, providing a user-friendly and coding-free UI for libraries that would otherw...
to get into the VR field and taught in the Digital Media Teaching and Research Department of Xiamen University Jiaeng College. In 2017, he was introduced to Wenzhou Business School and taught in the Network and New Media Department of the School of Media and Design Art. He opened courses ...
Another centre called CEPP Wellness Centre also offers 5 days of training courses on reflexology. The tutors in charge for this short course have the qualification as a professional therapy from International Therapy Examination Council, UK (ITEC) which holds a diploma in aromatherapy and holistic ma...
Novel Writing Courses and "Novel Writing on Edge" Work and Study Forums Novel Writing on Edge - Nuance, Bewares, Actual Results Bad Novel Writing Advice - Will it Never End? Art and Life in Novel Writing The Short and Long of It Quiet Hands, Unicorn Mech, Novel Writing Vid Revie...