Xu Zhang CONCEPT ART AND DESIGN xu-zhang-vaas-11ss xu-zhang-vaas-13s xuzhang concept art2017.4.29m xu-zhang-vaas-11ss 1/33 Welcome to my art world Start your exploration © by XuZhang freehumangwt@gmail.com
Archeologists of SShadows is a Sci-Fi Fantasy Steampunk Graphic Novel by Lara Fuentes and Patricio Clarey with adaptation by Preston Park Cooper. Septagon Studios has partnered up with writer Lara Fuentes and artist Patricio Clarey to publish the graphic novel “Archeologists Of Shadows”. Archeologi...
Emile Denis, aka Trishkell is an illustrator, concept artist from Paris, France who works on striking dark characters with cool emotions on their faces. Emile is a graduate of the Art school Emile Cohl in Lyon… Werewolf Initiation ritual Pilote sci fi Batgirl So we meet again No vilains to...
But it will push you to your limit and force you to think critically about every mark you put down. Feng Zhu Design Cinema 56 Designers often work with something called a creative brief which can be passed down from the art director or creative director. If you’re working for yourself ...
Concept art is a subset of illustration. 概念设计是多个插画的集合。 What is illustration? Dictionary.com says this of the word “illustrate”: 什么是插画? 1. to furnish (a book, magazine, etc.) with drawings, pictures, or other artwork intended for explanation, elucidation, or adornment ...
今天我们再来聊聊“Visual Development”(视觉开发)和“Concept design”(概念设计),关于它俩,现在有两种观点同时存在,具体怎样各位老铁就一起往下看吧。 Visual Development和Concept design 第一种观点是认为视觉开发和概念设计这两个都是Concept Art,也就是概念艺术。
(插图) http://www.allenwei.com/ 中國WeiMing Designstudio(来自中國的概念艺术家) http://www.ruanjia.com/ RuanJIAJIA(中国) http://www.theartofkerembeyit.com/theart.htm#/home Kerem Beyit(插图·屠龙者) http://www.richnosworthy.com/MPandEnv.html RichnosWorthy http://www.michaelhussar.biz/ ...
Typically, the creation of concept art design takes place based on basic requirements. Based on the information available, the designer comes up with a few concepts and designs. In short, it starts with the doodles and rough sketches as specified by the developer. Generally, concept design devel...
NPC College of Arts & Design is designated by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. The institution is also designated under the Education Quality Assurance (EQA) cert