Since 1976, Concept2 has been making top-quality exercise equipment that gives you a great workout in your home or gym. Dedicated to excellent service and your success. Shop now for our RowErg rowing machine, SkiErg ski machine or BikeErg indoor exercise
INDOOR ROWING MACHINE Durable, versatile, and performance driven, the Concept2 RowErg is designed to deliver a full-body workout and is a staple in both commercial and home gym settings. The rower features the advanced PM5 Performance Monitor, which provides accurate data, various workout program...
the RowErg's unmatched precision, consistency and comparability has made it the standard for training, testing and racing for a wide range of users. Engineered to last a lifetime, Concept2 provides top-notch support to keep you and your investment in great shape.PM5 and Device Holder included...
Concept 2 Rowerg Rower - PM5 INDOOR ROWING MACHINE Durable, versatile, and performance driven, the Concept2 RowErg is designed to deliver a full-body workout and is a staple in both commercial and home gym settings. The rower features the advanced PM5 Performance Monitor, which provides accura...
PM5 Monitor Quick Start Guide 04/19 Version Posted onMay 14, 2019byrowsportadmin This guide is meant to be a very broad overview of PM5 functions; the most complete information can always be found 20190514 PM5 Quick Start Guide 04-19 version ...
In addition to its brilliant engineering, the Concept2 features a PM5 performance monitor, device holder, and caster transport wheels. The PM5 performance is simple in design and function but provides all the information and capabilities needed to get in a killer workout. Track distance, speed, ...
rowingconcept2maplibreprotomapsergdata UpdatedDec 24, 2024 HTML Create an overlay from a Concept2 log file from csvconcept2 UpdatedAug 8, 2019 JavaScript Raspberry Pi based Python + Tk + Alexa Concept2 PM5 Monitor over BLE ...
Connect PainSled/RowedBiker to your Concept2’s PM5. To do this, click More Options > Turn Wireless On on your PM5. Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your iOS device, then your PM5 should quickly connect to PainSled/RowedBiker. If you start rowing, you will see your wattage on the iO...
Does Zwift work with a Concept 2 Rowing Machine? How do you connect a Concept 2 to an App? In our opinion the best way to connect your Concept 2 to a digital device is to use the PM5 Performance Monitor which comes with built in Bluetooth. The PM5 opens up a world of connectivity ...
Late joining the thread... I have just recently set up my old Concept 2 Model E, upgraded the PM4 to PM5 today, and been slowly learning the movement again. I used Rowpro back in the day. I purchased the rower in 2008, and I am fairly certain I set up Rowpro pretty much immediat...