10. The present calculation is validated by reasonable agreement of predicted ratio for syn and anti conformation of cGMP with experimental estimation, suggesting that our predicted concentration distribution of the cGMP and cGMPH conformers, as well the microscopic pKa values of various cGMPH conforme...
The concentration ratio, ineconomics, is a ratio that indicates the size of firms in relation to their industry as a whole. Low concentration ratio in an industry would indicate greater competition among the firms in that industry, compared to one with a ratio nearing 100%, which would be ev...
The symbol τ denotes the tortuosity of the hydraulic flow paths, defined as the ratio of the hydraulic tube length to the length of the porous medium. When an irreducible residual fluid saturation, Sjr exists in porous media, Eq. (9.32) should be substituted into Eq. (9.20) for the ...
agrand chene 盛大chene[translate] abayna bayna[translate] areactive power per step 无功功率每步[translate] aHere m is the ratio of the solute concentration in the organic phase to that in the water phase. 这里m是溶质集中的比在有机阶段与那在水阶段。[translate]...
present at a concentration of -回复 [present at a concentration of] Introduction: Concentration refers to the ratio of solute to solvent in a solution, usually expressed as a percentage or in parts per million (ppm). It plays a crucial role in variousfields, including chemistry, environmental ...
timessquare PPtisthe10ofthetwelvetimessquare Ppm--partpermillion,thatis,onemillionthofavolume,isadimensionlessquantity,andifyouwanttoknowwhatppmmeans,youneedtoknowwhetherit'svolumeratioormassratioorweightratio.1ug/mlisthemass/volumeratio;ifthedensityofthesolutionis1g/ml,then1ug/mlisequivalentto1ppm;if...
The peak concentration that a drug achieves in a specified compartment after the drug has been administrated and before administration of a second dose. Cmax is the opposite of Cmin—which is the minimum (or trough) concentration that a drug achieves after dosing. ...
percentagesasaspecialformoffractions. (2)thenumberindicatinganumber(comparisonnumber)is anothernumber(standardnumber),calledapercentage.This definitionfocusesonapplicationsthatrepresenttheratioof twonumbers.Sopercentagesarealsocalledpercentagesor percentages. Thepercentageisusuallynotwrittenformoffractionwiththe symbol"%...
Research on the example of the US economy shows that there is no difference between the concentration ratio and the Herfindahl- Hirschman index, i.e. it shows that there is a specific relationship between them. This relationship allows the conversion of a certain value of one indicator in the...
1 INTRODUCTION Thematic concentration (TC) is a way of placing stress on certain textual entities. It can obviously be considered from an infinite number of points of view. Only some of them are useful, however. Popescu et al. (2009) and Popescu, Altmann (2011) have proposed methods for ...