Earlier this month in a statement given by President-Elect Donald Trump he restated his commitment to push for and ultimately sign into law national concealed carry reciprocity. This video clip… Read More Recap: First Ever G.O.A.L.S. Event This Past Weekend ...
Concealed-Carry Reciprocity Loaded in Congress; Freedom to Travel with Arms Would Unlock the Second Amendment
House Passes Conceal-Carry Reciprocity Bill December 7, 2017 Biblical Self-Defense All Featured All time popular Jesus, Guns, and Self-Defense: What does the Bible say? CCCW Editor-April 30, 2019 0 Gary Demar, from American Vision, republished an excellent article on Biblical self-defense in ...
The latest Concealed Carry news, research gun laws, shop holsters, training, and more. Download our app and discover what you've been missing in your journey
Concealed Carry Ammunition overview Different types of Concealed Carry firearms CCW General firearm safety Utah Legal instruction including Justifiable Force, Citizen’s Arrest, Reciprocity, Firearm transport, etc Concealed Carry Firearm storage & accessories overview (holsters, safes, etc) ...
Concealed carry allows firearm owners to carry a handgun in public under most circumstances. But each state has different rules and requirements, and concealed carry permits may be necessary before you can keep a handgun on your person. Wondering if you need a concealed carry permit in your ...
Before embarking on this journey, the initial question to consider is whether you have the legal permission to carry where you reside. For most of us, the answer is or can beyes.But you need to make sure. I strongly recommend theUSCCA’s Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map & Gun Laws by Sta...
States That Have Restricted Reciprocity with Massachusetts Alaska (permitless carry, at least 21 years old) Arizona (permitless carry, at least 21 years old) Florida (permitless carry, at least 21 years old) Georgia (Permitless carry, at least 21 years old) Iowa (permitless carry, at least...
The central tenet of Concealed Carry Reciprocity is that the Second Amendment gives people the right to carry guns anywhere they want but that idea is more aspiration than factual. Steve Kroft: Is there such a thing? Robyn Thomas: Absolutely not. In fact, the Supreme Court has ruled on the...
Concealed Carry, Concealed Carry Reciprocity Permit Maps, Concealed Carry Permit Info By State, Instructors, Concealed Weapons Permit