Concealed carry laws are often associated with a drop in violent crimes. When you, as an individual, are legally permitted to carry a concealed handgun, potential criminals may think twice about their actions, knowing they could encounter armed resistance. In the case of Texas law, a shall-iss...
provided they are not prohibited by law. A “concealable weapon” can be openly carried or concealed on one’s person, except in areas where concealed carry is prohibited, such as private properties posted with ‘No Concealable Weapons Allowed’ signs. ...
constitutional carry is legal for residents of Louisiana who are active duty military and veterans only. On March 5th, 2024, the governor signed a permitless carry bill into law, making Louisiana a constitutional carry state. The law will take effect on July 4th, 2024. ...
LTC classes in Texas and laws, news, resources, maps, reciprocity, and other tools for Texas Gun Owners and Concealed Carry licencees
CrossPointe Defense is dedicated to providing LTC Concealed Carry Firearm and self defense training in a fun, but safe and unpretentious atmosphere by certified instructors.
University in Texas Sets Rules for Handguns ; Concealed-Carry Policy, in Line with State Law, Will Extend to ClassroomsThe university president, Gregory L. Fenves, in announcing thepolicy, which follows state law,...PerezPena, Richard
Get the latest concealed carry info you need to be a responsibly armed citizen - Reciprocity Maps, State Laws, Articles, Forums, Directory
Morse said in a Facebook post the day Governor Landry signed the bill into law: #constitutionalcarrygoes into effect on July 4. This is a big step for our state but the public needs to take some time to educate themselves on the ins and outs.#louisianawill better itself and we the peo...
Morse said in a Facebook post the day Governor Landry signed the bill into law: #constitutionalcarrygoes into effect on July 4. This is a big step for our state but the public needs to take some time to educate themselves on the ins and outs.#louisianawill better itself and we the peo...
Stay on the right side of the law as a responsible CCW gun owner with our self-defense and concealed carry insurance.