No, you don’t have to have a holster to conceal carry. You can carry your gun in a number of different ways, including in a purse, a fanny pack, or even in your pocket. The important thing is that you choose a method that is comfortable for you and that you are able to keep y...
Working best with small semi-auto pistols and snubby revolvers, ankle holsters are a favored method to carry a backup gun. Generally not a first choice for primary carry, they have a big disadvantage requiring you to bend down and pull up your pant leg to access the gun. Still, if it’...
Women interested in purse carry will find lot more choices than were available just a few short years ago, so now it’s time to name names and discuss details.First the disclaimer: Every one of the purse companies mentioned on this site has sent me at least one product for review ...
Ladies, this one’s for you. Bra carry is a popular choice for women who want to carry a firearm without the need for a bulky holster. It involves attaching a holster to your bra, allowing you to carry your firearm in the center of your chest. Pros:Good concealment, provides easy acce...
It is easy to think that theonly real choice for concealed carry should be a semi-automatic pistol. But this really is not the case, the classic wheel gun design of a revolver has a lot going for it. Here are three major benefits as to why many concealed carriers find a quality revolv...
In addition to our versatile Trump Card holsters which can be worn around the waist or carried under the arm, our company focused on bringing to the market a holster that was designed and tested specifically for running without the irritating bounce. ...