SAP Stack ☰MENU ABAP CONCATENATE strings CONCATENATE statement in ABAP is used for concatenating two or more strings into a single string. Syntax: CONCATENATE <c1>… <cn> INTO <c> [ SEPARATED BY ] [IN BYTE MODE|IN CHARACTER MODE] [RESPECTING BLANKS]. See the details and effects of e...
CONCATENATE 'Hello' IN ADDITION ' SAP ' 'World' INTO lv_string. ``` 在上面的示例中,使用`IN ADDITION ' SAP '`将字符串“SAP”插入到“Hello”和“World”之间,将它们连接成一个新的字符串。结果将是“Hello SAP World”。 新的Concatenate语法使字符串连接更加简洁和易于理解。它提供了更多的灵活性,...
DATA: last_char_code TYPE xstring. DATA: len TYPE i. DATA: x7f TYPE x VALUE '7F'. DATA: convout TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_out_ce. DATA: convin TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_in_ce. CALL FUNCTION 'SCP_CODEPAGE_BY_EXTERNAL_NAME' EXPORTING external_name = 'UTF-16BE' IMPORTING sap_c...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development > > hi experts,> i have one problem when concatenate string.> { for example:> > condition 1: values of f1 = thane> f2 = mumbai> f3 = delhi> concatenate f1 ',' f2 ',' f3 ',' into f separated by space.> then f = thane , mumbai , delhi...
concatenate string Former Member 2008 May 05 8:24 AM 0 Kudos 121 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi is it possible to conctenate string and append them in new line in output string by using seperated by options. eg concatenate 'panpe' 'betala' to outputst thanks...
Verkettung einzelner Bytes aus einer internen Tabelle in einen Bytestring. TYPES hex TYPE x LENGTH 1. DATA itab TYPE TABLE OF hex WITH EMPTY KEY. itab = VALUE #( ( CONV hex( '48' ) ) ( CONV hex( '65' ) ) ( CONV hex( '6C' ) ) ( CONV hex( '6C' ) ) ( CONV...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Process Integration Hi Experts; Please suggest me how do I concatenate two strings separated by <TAB> in SAP XI. example: Input1: ONEInput2: TWOoutput should be: "ONE TWO" I have tried with UDF but it is not giving the output as expected.String output = Inpu...
The ABAP runtime environment executes an internal optimization to reduce reallocations if new fragments are attached to an existingstringwithin a loop. Addition 1 ... IN{CHARACTER|BYTE}MODE Effect The optional additionIN{CHARACTER|BYTE}MODEdetermines whethercharacter string or byte string processingis ...
"here str is the string variable so i think if you work in that whould work Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2005 Nov 29 7:18 AM 0 Kudos 1,201 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Thanks, But I need to concate name1 and name2 directly in select...
In above I have declared variable gv_str of type string. Now what is happening is in smart form it is displaying the text in the below way **1 this is the text for sample **2 this Is the text for sample1 But I want in the below way **1 this is the text for sample **2 thi...