Use the formula in Cell B12. =TEXTJOIN2(", ",TRUE,C5:C9) The formula will concatenate the Product Names into a single cell. Method 4 – Concatenate a Range with Power Query in Excel Select Cell range C4:C9. Go to the Data tab and select From Table/Range under the Get & Transform ...
In the B8 (edit the cell using F2), insert the following formula, and do not press enter. =CONCATENATE(TRANSPOSE(A1:A5)&” “) Now, select the entire inside portion of the concatenate function and press F9. It will convert it into an array. ...
I am doing a concatenation of text and numbers with power query, the formula I use is: if [#"[ L1.4 - Refillability ]"] ="Fountain" then [Refilability]&" "&[#"[L1.7 - Bev Category]"]&" "&[Size conversion] else if [Container] = "TETRA" or [Container] = "CAN" then [...
TheTEXTJOIN functioncombines the text string into a single line. To get them with separators, we provided a space between twoQuotation Marks(“)in the formula. Lastly, typeTRUEalong with thecell range B5:B13to ignore empty cells from the dataset. Case 1.4 – Concatenate with Power Query Selec...
I was initially thinking about using Power Query but I don't see how to proceed as I think PowerQuery needs a single table to operate and I don't see how to merge TD and TS. Now, I am thinking about DAX Split operations but I am not able to find _the_ formula... ...
Here’s an example formula using the CONCATENATEX function: New Column =CONCATENATEX(Table1,Table1[Column1] & ”“ & Table1[Column2] & ”“ & Table1[Column3], “,”) How to merge multiple columns into one column using Power Query Editor You can merge multiple columns into one using Po...
Document the concatenation process and formula used to enable easier collaboration with team members Consider automating the process of column concatenation, especially when dealing with large data sets. How to Automate Column Concatenation with Power Query Editor in Power BI ...
Hi Everyone, thank you in advance for any help you are able to provide! I consider myself good at excel and power query but this is quite a beast in my...
In Excel 2019, confirm the formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you have Excel in Office 2021 or Microsoft 365, you can also use =TEXTJOIN(", ", "", FILTER(K23:K35, K23:K35<>"None")) Added: sorry, the second argument of TEXTJOIN should have been TRUE instead of "". ...
This formula is not working in this scenario now, which is understandable, as it is unable to find distinct values. Can you help and advise on this please? Tooltip = CALCULATE( CONCATENATEX( SUMMARIZE( Sheet1, Sheet1[Unique ID], Sheet1[Percentage] ), [Percentage] ,", "), ALLEXCEPT(...