Sign In SAS Programming DATA Step, Macro, Functions and moreHome Programming Programming Re: concatenate values from data set row into one string (variable num...Options BookmarkSubscribeRSS Feed All forum topics Previous Next tom12122 Obsidian | Level 7 concatenate values from data set row ...
SAS CAT-S Function an example would be... data want; data have; new_var=catx('',var1,var2,var3); run; that is the data step version. i work more in proc sql. i can give you an example of that if you want but that should work. 0 Likes Amir PROC Star Re: conca...
Anyhow, it can be done in a single data step but you may need adapt adding values according to letter: data want; retain range_from .; length var $25; do i=rank('a') to rank('y') by 1; if byte(i) = 'a' then do; var = 'a:._0'; output; range_from = 500; end; els...
SAS CAT-S Function an example would be... data want; data have; new_var=catx('',var1,var2,var3); run; that is the data step version. i work more in proc sql. i can give you an example of that if you want but that should work. 0 Likes Amir PROC Star Re: conca...
Sign In SAS Programming DATA Step, Macro, Functions and moreHome Programming Programming Re: how to concatenate all variables of first letter Options BookmarkSubscribeRSS Feed All forum topics Previous Next thanikondharish Calcite | Level 5 how to concatenate all variables of first let...