此规则在 ESLint v7.0.0 中已弃用。请使用eslint-plugin-node中的相应规则。 在Node.js 中,__dirname和__filename全局变量分别包含当前正在执行的脚本文件的目录路径和文件路径。有时,开发人员会尝试使用这些变量来创建其他文件的路径,例如: varfullPath=__dirname+"/foo.js"; ...
错误代码示例: /*eslint no-useless-concat: "error"*//*eslint-env es6*/vara=`some`+`string`;// these are the same as "10"vara='1'+'0';vara='1'+`0`;vara=`1`+'0';vara=`1`+`0`; Examples ofcorrectcode for this rule: 正确代码示例: /*eslint no-useless-concat: "error"*/...
no-useless-concat 禁止不必要的字面或模板字面串联,此规则旨在标记 2 个字面的连接,当它们可以组合成一个字面时。字面可以是字符串或模板字面。
+= pour concaténer deux listes en place dans Python+= est similaire à la méthode ci-dessus, mais il va changer les données de la première liste en place.>>> list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> list2 = [5, 6, 7, 8] >>> list1 += list2 >>> list1 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...
Propiedades Métodos concat join pop push reverse desplazamiento slice sort splice toLocaleString toString unshift ArrayWrapper AssemblyCustomAttributeList AST ASTList BinaryOp Enlace BitwiseBinary Bloquear BlockScope BooleanConstructor BooleanObject BooleanPrototype BreakOutOfFinally Cierre CmdLineError CmdLineExceptio...
A modern JavaScript utility library that's 2-3 times faster and up to 97% smaller—a major upgrade to lodash. - Add `concat` · Issue #344 · toss/es-toolkit
Operadores tabulares Funciones especiales Operadores escalares Funciones escalares Tipos de funciones escalares abs() acos() ago() around() array_concat() array_iff() array_index_of() array_length() array_reverse() array_rotate_left() array_rotate_right() array_shift_left() array_shift_right...
[Android.Runtime.Register("concat","(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;","")]publicstringConcat(stringstr); Parameters str String theStringthat is concatenated to the end of thisString. Returns String a string that represents the concatenation of this object's characters followed by the stri...
La función array_concat concatena dos matrices para crear una matriz que contiene todos los elementos de la primera matriz seguida de todos los elementos de la segunda matriz. Los dos argumentos deben ser matrices válidas.Sintaxis array_concat( super_expr1, super_expr2 )Argumentos...