今天在写写代码的时候,需要将oracle数据库中内嵌的wm_concat函数转换成postgresql数据库中对应的函数 在navicat中的运行结果: 可见中间是以英文的句号进行分割的。
(2) String str=”aaa”; //于栈上分配内存 ;String str=new String(“aaa”); //于堆上分配内存
col1 [asc|desc], col2[asc|desc]:指定结果返回时的排序的值。WM_CONCAT函数声明: stringwm_concat(string separator, string str)函数说明: 该函数用指定的spearator 做分隔符,链接 str 中的值。可以用于多行变一行。 参数说明: separator:String 类型常量,分隔符。其他类型或非常量将引发 ...
Input 1: A String (or Expression returning a String) that is LHS of the operator. Input 2: A String (or Expression returning a String) that is RHS of the operator. Returns: A String: LHS.concat( RHS ). Field Summary Fields inherited from class com.bea.p13n.expression.operator.st...
1 Concatenate string in Oracle SQL? (wm-concat) 19 Concatenate results from a SQL query in Oracle 2 Is there another command for wm_concat in oracle 9i? 0 Oracle CONCAT from another table 0 Oracle Concatenate Column value in a single row 3 Concatenate values in oracle 1 How to ...
在Oracle数据库中,可以使用WM_CONCAT函数实现字符串拼接。但是需要注意的是,WM_CONCAT函数已经被标记为过时,并建议使用LISTAGG函数代替。 以下是使用WM_CONCAT和LISTAGG函数进行字符串拼接的示例: 使用WM_CONCAT函数: SELECT WM_CONCAT(column_name) AS concatenated_string FROM table_name WHERE condition; 复制代码 ...
在Oracle中,您可以使用用户自定义聚合函数(User-Defined Aggregate Functions,UDAF)来实现类似于WM_CONCAT的功能 创建一个聚合类型: CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE my_wm_concat_type AS OBJECT ( concatenated_string VARCHAR2(32767), STATIC FUNCTION ODCIAggregateInitialize(sctx IN OUT my_wm_concat_type) RETURN ...
The syntax for the CONCAT function in Oracle/PLSQL is: CONCAT( string1, string2 ) Parameters or Arguments string1 The first string to concatenate. string2 The second string to concatenate. Note See also the|| operator. Returns The CONCAT function returns a string value. ...
The CONCAT() function returns a string whose character set depends on the character set of the first string argument. The data type of the result string depends on the data types of the two arguments. Oracle will try to convert the result string in a loss-less manner. For example, if yo...
String oracleVersion=approveConfigDao.getOracleVersion();//eg:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production//eg:版本和11.2版本用法不一样。String[]versionArr=StringUtils.split(oracleVersion,".");if(versionArr[0].equals("11")){String[]subVersionA...