$ node bin/cmd.js 'http://www.bt-chat.com/download1.php?id=124137&type=torrent' --vlc /home/jirib/tmp/webtorrent/index.js:53 res.pipe(concat(function (torrent) { ^ ReferenceError: concat is not defined at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/home/jirib/tmp/webtorrent/index.js:53:16) at Cl...
在Apache中使用函数时遇到了问题,因为我无法让Derby找到我的自定义函数。典型的错误消息如下所示: The class 'de.uniba.kinf.projm.hylleblomst.database.sql.utils.GroupConcat' does not exist or is inaccessible. This can happen if the class is not public. 文档声明该方法必须是公共的和静态的。这就是...
When I include this in code, it throws require is not defined, I surf around the web and found one similarquestion. But that answer is also not clear for me. I believe that I miss some small thing here, since I am new to gulp....
Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by a specified predicate, and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the List<T> or a portion of it. This method returns -1 if an item that matches the conditions is not found. Show more In...
Each input of the string concatenation function expects a single input. Make sure {0} will not pass multiple instances to the function at run time. The warning is displayed because at least one input is not of single type. When aConcattransform has such a warning, the run time behavior is...
I am trying something like the following, but it is not working foo.concat(ret1), bar.concat(ret2) = my_function() some more information as requested: I am basically trying to write a config converter. The config files need to be plain text files. To make the code more s...
I have an error when using the latest @aws-sdk/client-3. /Users/fossamagna/git/s3-concat-bundle-issue/node_modules/@aws-sdk/client-s3/dist-cjs/auth/httpAuthSchemeProvider.js:17 throw new Error(`getEndpointParameterInstructions() is not defined on \`${context.commandName}\``); ^ Error:...
[ ERROR ] Concat input shapes do not match[ ERROR ] Shape is not defined for output 0 of "Concat_4".[ ERROR ] Cannot infer shapes or values for node "Concat_4".[ ERROR ] Not all output shapes were inferred or fully defined for node "Concat_4". F...
Basically, it should work as you have it provided the data is correct. Since I haven't the remotes idea what your cell references are returning, I replaced them with similarly uninformative defined names. = LET( firstSpace, IFERROR(FIND(" ", columnD), 0), firstInital, LEFT(columnD, 1...
url = httputil.url_concat(url, params)ifcookiesisnotNone:# abuse SimpleCookie to escape our cookies for ussimple_cookies = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(cookies) headers['cookie'] ='; '.join(val.output(header='')[1:]forvalinsimple_cookies.values()) ...