No other evocation of the “Sword and Sorcery” genre is as pure and unadulterated asConan the Barbarian, the 1982 film which embodies the narrative economy of Robert E. Howard, who created the character in the 1930s, and the visual iconography of Frank Frazetta, the artist whose paintings a...
You, Conan the Barbarian, must enter a castle and defeat the evil Volta. You are armed with ten boomerang swords and your own cunning. Along the way magic gems, keys and an "Avian Ally" will help you through seven very diverse levels in which you must...
The GM Screen & Companion for Conan: The Hyborian Age, is an essential tool for Game Masters. This glorious four-panel Game Master’s Screen features incredible artwork, a must-have for all Conan fans, and on the opposite side, all the tables and rules info...
All the new Onslaught weapons also feature new artwork inspired by the Starmetal weapon line from Conan Exiles! Following the success of the Armor of the Silent Legion vanity set repurposed from Conan Exiles, we’re excited to bring more high-fidelity assets from Conan Exiles into the world ...
the throne Prince Conn taking prominent roles. Old nemeses like Thoth-Amon return, while mystical prophecy ties Conan to the first king of the realm. Each issue is a double-sized extravaganza with scripts by the godfather of Conan comics Roy Thomas, Doug Moench and Alan Zelenetz and artwork ...
Bloodline Champions, it's logos and emblems, artwork and trade dress are registered and unregistered trademarks of Stunlock Studios. © 2008 Conan Properties International LLC ("CPI"). CONAN, CONAN THE BARBARIAN, HYBORIA, and/or ROBERT E. HOWARD and related logos, characters, names, and distin...
Robert E. Howard, created the genre of sword and sorcery with his original stories; Frank Frazetta's definitive (and often imitated) "Conan" book covers set the standard for dynamic fantasy artwork; Roy Thomas, with Barry Smith and later John Buscema, used the character to push the ...
Robert E. Howard, created the genre of sword and sorcery with his original stories; Frank Frazetta's definitive (and often imitated) "Conan" book covers set the standard for dynamic fantasy artwork; Roy Thomas, with Barry Smith and later John Buscema, used the character to push the ...
The Game (including all user accounts and all Game characters, objects, settings, themes, storylines, concepts, music, sounds, artwork, animations, dialog, code and other In-Game Features) are the property of Funcom or its licensors and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property...
Welcome back to the Conan Exiles community spotlight! If you’re new around here this is the place where we highlight some of the cool things that have been happening in the Conan Exiles community. Everything from screenshots to artwork, videos, streamers and awesome mods will be at home he...