上映时间1982年03月15日(西班牙) 导 演约翰·米利厄斯 又 名王者之剑 毁天灭地 Conan the Barbar... 编剧Robert E. ...约翰·米利厄斯 主 演阿诺·施瓦辛格詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯马克斯·冯·西多桑达·伯格曼Ben Davidson 剧情 版本一: 故事发生在远古的洪荒年代。柯南(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰...
小洋影视库 hi,我这里有一个关于《野蛮人柯南》(Conan the Barbarian 1982)的资源,不知道是你想要的么? 《野蛮人柯南》是由约翰·米利厄斯执导,阿诺·施瓦辛格、詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯、桑达·伯格曼、马克斯·冯·西多等主演的奇幻冒险电影。 该片改编自罗伯特·E·霍华德的同名小说,讲述了一位远古时期的蛮荒战士柯南...
Conan the Barbarian(1982) Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they learn why they fear the night. —Thulsa Doom Share Tweet Post More Credits Director of Photography:Duke Callaghan Editor:Carroll Timothy O'Meara
DistributorUniversal PicturesSee full company information Opening$9,603,1391,395 theaters Release Date1982-5-14 Running Time2 hr 9 min GenresAdventure Fantasy In Release232 days/33 weeks Widest Release1,683 theaters IMDbPro See more details at IMDbPro ...
CTB.Extras1.Conan.Unchained CTB.Extras2.Art.of.Steel CTB.Extras3.Conan.from.the.Vault CTB.Extras4.Conan.The.Rise.of.a.Fantasy.Legend CTB.Extras5.Special.Effects.Split.Screen CTB.Extras6.Conan.the.Barbarian.Archives CTB.Extras7.Deleted.Scenes.Sequence...
With 1982’sConan the Barbarian, Arnold Schwarzenegger pushed toward his future career as movie star. Though he appeared in a few films prior to 1982 – most notably 1976’sStay Hungry- he remained primarily known as a bodybuilder untilConan. ...
Conan, the Barbarian (1982)Spoiler Alert ! Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film. This is one of the snakiest movies I've seen that isn't an Indian or Asian snake-woman movie or a horror movie. ...
在地球的洪荒年代,一名公主被巫师所捕获,邪恶的皇后为了拿公主为祭品以永远占据王坐,传唤力大无穷的壮硕剑客柯南前来寻找公主的下落,失去至爱而失魂落魄的柯南,在明白唯有借助皇后神秘威力,才能使爱人死而复生的道理下,与皇后达成约定,若将公主从巫师手中安全救回城堡,皇后将不计一切代价,设法将他的爱人救回…… ...
3. What is Conan promised for taking Jehenna to get the horn? From Quiz Conan The Destroyer Answer: Valeria Conan is promised that Valeria will be brought back to life by the evil witch.4. What is the name of Conan's lover in the movie? From Quiz Conan The Barbarian Answer: Valeria...
野蛮人柯南【BluRay 1080p】野蛮人柯南 /Conan the Barbarian .1982.18.41GB.torrentBT磁力链下载,野蛮人柯南剧情介绍:由阿诺·施瓦辛格,詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯,马克斯·冯·叙多夫,岩松信,本·戴维森,卡桑德拉·加瓦主演的野蛮人柯南于1982 上映,野蛮人柯南故事发生在远古的