cmake-toolkit: the package we're talking about, containing .cmake scripts and generated with conan export-pkg. cmtk-conan: the package containing the base class used by python_requires_extend and generated with conan export. It uses cmake-toolkit as a tool_requires. Would there be a way ...
upload Uploads a recipe and binary packages to a remote. export Copies the recipe ( & associated files) to your local cache. export-pkg Exports a recipe, then creates a package from local source and build folders. test Tests a package consuming it from a with a ...
所以以下情况我们可以考虑直接将本地已经编译好的二进制文件生成conan包:当您无法从源代码构建包时(当只有预编译的库可用时)。...现在我打算用conan来做包管理,对于我来说,将这些已经预编译好的库上传到conan私有制品库,是最省事的办法 。...conan export-pkg conan export-pkg命令将release/cJSON_arm-linux-...
What is the output of the conan export-pkg . @mycompany/dev --build-folder=build_debug -s build_type=Debug commands? The two different ones? I attached the output of the two commands. The result is two different package hashes. What happens if you do a conan create . -s build_type...
tools.files import copy required_conan_version = ">=2.0.0" class Pkg(ConanFile): name = "castparsing" version = "1.0" # Binary configuration settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch" options = { "shared": [True, False], "fPIC": [True, False], } default_options = {...
conan export . conan install --requires=pkg/version --build=pkg/version conan test test_package pkg/version Which is slightly different to the conan install . over the current recipe, because that install the dependencies of the current pkg recipe, while the conan install --requires=pkg/version...
"mypr": ""})"export pkg --name=pkg --version=0.1") args = "-pr=mypr -s:b os=Linux -o:h *:shared=True -c:h""graph build-order consumer --format=json --build=missing -s os=Windows {args} " "--order-by=recipe", redirect_stdout="bo_...
And as long as you use Conan only to pull dependencies, the moment you intend to create your own Conan packages, you either need to allow Conan drive the build (Conan calls CMake and use the toolchain), or you will need to use conan export-pkg to package the local binaries you ...
when i build locally i see the export sources sources and sources in another folder and build and package in another folder .. When the build is running everything is run inside a t folder and this is cleaned up once the package is created . Also, the CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR , CMAKE_BINARY...
self.cpp_info.set_property("pkg_config_name", "openvino") openvino_runtime = self.cpp_info.components["Runtime"] openvino_runtime.set_property("cmake_target_name", "openvino::runtime") if self.options.threading == "tbb": openvino_runtime.requires = ["onetbb::libtbb", "pugixml::pugi...