Built on a Siege Weapon Base, which is built on top of a Siege Foundation. The Siege Weapon Base can then be upgraded into either the Trebuchet, or the Ballista Interact with the front of the Ballista to open its inventory, and the back (where the cranks are) to operate it. Hold down...
Want to add some new towers to your camp, or perhaps build something completely new in the Nemedian style, then this is the DLC for you! People of the Dragon Pack is also available as part of the Conan Exiles – Complete Edition on Steam and Conan Exiles – Complete Edition October 2021...
People of the Dragon Pack contains: • 48 new Nemedian building pieces, including new options. An expanded full set of building pieces with the same stats as existing tier three. • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Nemedian infantry armor. ...
People of the Dragon Pack contains:• 48 new Nemedian building pieces, including new options.An expanded full set of building pieces with the same stats as existing tier three.• 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Nemedian infantry armor.Light, medium and heavy sets with ...
In his sixties, Conan leaves his country—never to return—to seek new battles in the uncharted west, leaving Conan II, his son by Queen Zenobia (a former Nemedian slave girl), to rule Aquilonia in his stead. Although Conan's adventures often result in him performing heroic feats, his ...
4. 参赛者必须遵守Conan Exiles的行为准则。 5. 提交建筑参赛作品时,就表明你确认这是你自己的作品。你可以请人帮忙,但只能提交一次。请勿提交你未参与制作的参赛作品。 6. 你可以使用DLC、战斗通行证和Black Lotus Bazaar集市的物品。 7. 如果在电脑上,可以使用Ansel截图。
We’ve been hard at work making the inventory and inventory management a better experience for all Exiles. Here are some of the changes: 13 unique item filters which you can use to sort and organize your inventory by, based on associated item tags and identifiers Quick Stack and Quick Split...
為了慶祝《Conan Exiles》上線六週年紀念,我們和 Tiltify 攜手合作,一起為「救助兒童會 (Save the Children)」發起募款活動!歡迎你在 5 月 14 日之前捐款,幫助有需要的兒童。 現已開放捐款 捐贈者將有機會獲得一系列獎品,包括一座野蠻客製化的《Conan Exiles》雕像。關於公益活動的完整詳情,請見這裡。 一整年的...
現在,一起來回顧各位今年造就的混亂與成果吧: 致各位忠誠的創作者 🍻 我們社群不乏天才傑出的創意,因此我們一定要藉此表彰那些把《Conan Exiles》擺在第一位且投入大量心力的玩家! 🥂 向modders致敬,他們投注時間和心力,為玩家社群創作精彩作品,讓《Conan Exiles》變得更好玩! 大量的人才造就出上千套模組。我們要...
Spears with the Sweeping property can now be used while mounted Re-positioned Thrall placement for the Improved Stove to prevent clipping The Wine Cellar boss Thag now correctly drops Khari Steel Nemedian Peasant and Decadence sets have had their crafting requirements updated to match other cloth-...