PlayerKnockbackMultiplier=1.000000玩家击退系数NPCKnockbackMultiplier=1.000000N P C击退系数StructureDamageMultiplier=1.000000建筑伤害系数StructureDamageTakenMultiplier=1.000000建筑受伤系数(游戏里面是物品损坏比例)StructureHealthMultiplier=1.000000建筑健康系数NPCRespawnMultiplier=1.000000N P C 重生的系数NPCHealthMul...
But it also feels different fromValheim. To start with, the game has a fixed, set map. You can find detailed versions of the default game map that will point out every camp and harvest node spawn location.Conanis a lot more MMO-like in that regard. Also mobs and resource nodes respawn...