Conan Exiles - Jewel of the West Pack Global player ratings 4.52Average rating 4.52 stars out of 5 stars from 520 ratings 520 ratings 73% 15% 7% 0% 5% Game and Legal Info Get your hands on all new building pieces, placeables, weapons, armors and warpaints from the powerful kingdom of...
All repair kits now work on all tiers of weapons and armor (but not Unique and Legendary ones), but lower the max durability of the item by 2.5% to 20% (of original max durability) depending on the tier of the repair kit Using a Repairing Grindstone will repair all items on your hot...
Ultimately, the goal was to still make it one of the top-tier 2H weapons you can find, but just like every other Legendary it has its own quirk which, in its case, is its low durability. Setting custom stack size was replaced by the new functionality. What was the reason for this ...
Forge the legacy of your clan as you fight to reclaim and dominate the Exiled Lands. Use the powerful building system to create anything from a small home to entire cities piece by piece. Wage war using swords, sorcery, bows, and siege weapons, even taking control of giant avatars of the...
Not only will you need late game gear, but you have to prepare for a fight. Even the weakestweaponsin Conan Exiles can still be threatening, so make sure you have good armor and maybe even some extra healing. Also, you can't just rush a base without scouting it out first. Knock down...
RHINO MOUNT AND NEW BUILDING SETS: Charge into battle atop a ferocious rhino, construct pirate towns from the remains of shipwrecks or castles from stormglass. Find and equip powerful new weapons and armor. ©2024 Conan Properties International LLC ("CPI"). CONAN, CONAN THE BARBARIAN, HYBORIA...
We had tuned up out follower a bit, going with some hardened steel weapons that we had obtained elsewhere. We didn’t bother to use them because when they wear out, as all gear does, we couldn’t repair them fully. But follower gear never wears out fully. So the spider went down wit...
This Unofficial App has information that is usable for players of the Conan Exiles game. Features - Fully Dynamic Map (Zoomable and Pannable) with Coordinates.…
Here's a look at what's coming to Conan Exiles over the next year. Above, you can see a work in progress video showing a player operating a trebuchet to destroy an enemy fort's wall. As you can tell, it's not a simple load and fire affair: the weapon, once constructed, needs to...
She is searching for a way to repair her infernal engine. This is done by finding Infernal Iron hidden around the world. The easiest one to gain is in the Blighted Village, inside the locked forge where you can make Master Work weapons. A Rogue, like Astarion, can easily lockpick the ...