Starting now, Conan Exiles is free to try for a limited time on Steam, Xbox, and the Epic Games Store! During this time and beyond we’re applying some hefty discounts on all platforms – for the base game, Isle of Siptah expansion, and all DLCs!
在Age of Sorcery后,Age of War是令人激动的新主题,我们迫不及待看到你在狂热的战斗中磨砺刀锋了! 免费周末 即时起,《Conan Exiles》在Steam、Xbox和Epic Games Store上均限时免费试玩!在这期间和之后,我们都会带来全平台的大幅折扣:包括游戏本体、《Isle of Siptah》扩展和所有DLC! 无需多说,如果你有朋友想和...
Then again,Conan Exileswas a title we played pretty hard right up until the moment we didn’t. We did that first dungeon and then some real life stuff came up… and once again only Potshot and I ended up playing really… and then we stopped. I am not even sure why. But after a m...
A partir de agora, você pode conhecer Conan Exiles gratuitamente, por tempo limitado, no Steam, no Xbox e na Epic Games! Durante este tempo e depois, vamos aplicar descontos robustos em todas as plataformas – no jogo, na expansãoIsle of Siptahe em todos os DLCs! Nem precisamos dizer ...