Okay, it isn’t quite like the whole follower routine,which I described elsewhere. Instead you put the foal in a stable… another structure to be built at our base… and feed it yummy treats and eventually a horse pops out. The first horse to appear Then a saddle must be crafted, whic...
New Age of War Chapter 1 Bazaar items, including new pets, armor, emotes, and more! New functionality: horse caparisons, emblems, weapon emotes New Twitch Drops starting with Midnight Caparison. Follow our social media channels for more info on when these drop campaigns start!BUILDING...
No matter which saddle you choose, using a horse to get anywhere is significantly faster than running on foot. Mounted combat With mounts we’re also introducing mounted combat. Shoot your enemies from afar with a bow and gallop away before they know what’s going on. Grab a sword, axe o...
New functionality: horse caparisons, emblems, weapon emotes New Age of War Chapter 1 Bazaar items, including new pets, armor, emotes, and more! New functionality: horse caparisons, emblems, weapon emotes New Twitch Drops starting with Midnight Caparison. Followour social media channelsfor more in...
Interacting with Wight Horse will now mount it instead of opening its inventory Greater Komodo Dragon can now apply poison when attacking Pet Rats now have collision Fixed an issue where a specific attack for Rocknoses would cause them to never hit your character ...