Interacting with Wight Horse will now mount it instead of opening its inventory Greater Komodo Dragon can now apply poison when attacking Pet Rats now have collision Fixed an issue where a specific attack for Rocknoses would cause them to never hit your character A number of NPCs who would alw...
Also, mounted combat is pretty good. There is a whole lance aspect that I have yet to explore, preferring to just charge down enemies and hit them with the horse, which causes significant damage when at full gallop. You can playDeathrace 2000with gazelles, just popping them by running the...
Once your foal has grown into adult horse it can be placed in the world, like a regular Thrall/Pet. To ride into the sunset like your favorite cowboy you’ll need to equip your horse with a saddle, which can be unlocked at level 20. Saddles will have different effects on your mount:...
Interacting with Wight Horse will now mount it instead of opening its inventory Greater Komodo Dragon can now apply poison when attacking Pet Rats now have collision Fixed an issue where a specific attack for Rocknoses would cause them to never hit your character A number of NPCs who wou...
The latest free update to Conan Exiles lets you explore the atmospheric but dangerous Midnight Grove dungeon. You can attempt to prove yourself worthy to learn the Jhebbal Sag religion or start taming your very own pets. On the other hand, maybe striking fear in your opponent’s heart with ...
The latest free update to Conan Exiles lets you explore the atmospheric but dangerous Midnight Grove dungeon. You can attempt to prove yourself worthy to learn the Jhebbal Sag religion or start taming your very own pets. On the other hand, maybe striking fear in your opponent’s heart with ...
The new Journey System can be especially helpful for returning players, as it acts as a guide to the features now available in Conan Exiles. If you want to learn how to tame a horse – select the Outrider journey. If you want to learn sorcery – select the Sorcerer journey. ...
The update also improves radium torches, so that they can cast light from any dye, makes fish and shellfish last 10 times longer before they spoil in their traps, makes putrid meat and fat grubs last longer in compost bins, reduces the knockdown duration after being rammed by...
Interacting with Wight Horse will now mount it instead of opening its inventory Greater Komodo Dragon can now apply poison when attacking Pet Rats now have collision Fixed an issue where a specific attack for Rocknoses would cause them to never hit your character ...