Greeting Exiles! Another year of great achievements has passed. With times of outstanding combat and good ale! Our tavern keepers had a brief vacation for the first time this year but came back stronger to carry as many mugs as thirsty Exiles demand. 🍻 Let’s raise a glass to the entir...
AGES ARRIVE IN THE EXILES LANDS Updates in Conan Exiles now come in Ages. Each Age has its own theme, free gameplay updates, and Battle Passes. This model allows us to add features and improvements for free, while providing an easy way for any player to support the game’s growth and ...
We had a slow down in Valheim as Conan Exiles became a focus for several weeks. Also, the Mistlands were a bit too oppressive. Now that I have banished the mist… at least on my client… I am going to see if we can unlock some of the resources of the biome as the Ashlands loom....