Gather resources, unlock recipes and craft your way to glory if this is how you want to make everyone in the region know you name.Become a legendary blacksmith, crafting weapons that will allow your clan to conquer the land. Craft armor to stand tall against your foes. Get your clan toget...
We had tuned up out follower a bit, going with some hardened steel weapons that we had obtained elsewhere. We didn’t bother to use them because when they wear out, as all gear does, we couldn’t repair them fully. But follower gear never wears out fully. So the spider went down wit...
Enjoy an all new combat system, the purge, perk system, farming, fast travel, world bosses, legendary weapons, warpaint, new gear, content rebalance and more! Similarly, crystal crafts directly into the glass when added to the furnaces inventory, and its best to keep a steady supply for ...