左侧导航栏点击Repositories,然后再点击右上角的Add Repositories-Local Repository: 输入名称myconanrepo之后点击Save&Finish。 左侧导航栏选择Application-Artifactory-Artifacts,找到myconanrepo,然后点击右上角的Set Me Up: 复制这里的连接,然后回到你的conan-training容器当中。 执行: conan remote add artifactory http:...
conan remote add privrepo${repo}# add a remote repositoryas'privrepo'# ${repo}为前面创建的制品仓库的名字-'stable' 如果添加错了,可以删除之后再重新添加 代码语言:javascript 复制 conan remote remove privrepo # remove remote repository named'privrepo' ...
conan remoteadd[repo_name]http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/conan/[repo_name] 还要进行远程登录,否则下面没有权限上传。后面,也有一定几率在下载库的时候也提示需要再登录一次: conan remote login [repo_name] [username] -p [password] 可以先查下你的仓库里已经上传了哪些库: conan search "*" -r...
encountered a similar problem. -- Conan: Adding conancenter remote repository (https://center.conan.io) verify ssl (True) -- Conan: Adding NetEaseConan remote repository (http://yunxin-conan.netease.im:8082/artifactory/api/conan/NetEaseConan) verify ssl (True) -- Conan: checking conan execut...
conan remoteaddgitlab https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/<project_id>/packages/conan conan upload Hello/0.1@mycompany/beta--allGitLab Conan 存储库发布和共享C/C++依赖项 使用这样的格式来描述一个软件包:有四个领域要考虑:name,version,user,和channel ...
然后,我们需要执行 Conan 的客户端命令 “conan remote add” 和“conna user” 加入这个私有仓库。具体的执行方法在 Artifactory Repository 的 “Set Me Up” 部分有清晰的描述: 其中<REMOTE> 作为这个私有仓库的别名,会在后续的命令中用来指定使用该仓库。
First, clone this repository locally. git clone https://github.com/FeignClaims/customized_conan_recipes.git Then, add this folder as a conan remote: conan remote add <remote_name> <path_to_this_repository> After that, you are able to install conan packages as usual with these additional rec...
echo "Using default Conan repository $RT_CONAN_URL" else echo "About to add a remote Conan repository" conan remote add conan-local $RT_CONAN_URL fi if [[ -n "$RT_ACCESS_TOKEN" && -n "$RT_USER" ]] ; then echo "About to set conan-local $USERNAME $RT_ACCESS_TOKEN" conan user...
conan remote add conancenter https://center.conan.io How to consume recipes Starting to use recipes from this repository is as easy as running one simple command after installing Conan: conan install name/version@ [-g <generator>] Of course, we really encourage you to use a conanfile.tx...
Retrieve the sources from a zip file stored in a remote repository. Retrieve the sources from a branch of a git repository. 方法1: def source(self): # Please, be aware that using the head of the branch instead of an immutable tag # or commit is not a good practice in general as the...