Nonsymmetric matrix found. Scales for dependent variables: Magnetic vector potential (comp1.A): 7.5e-006 Coil current ( 1 Orthonormal null-space function used. Iter SolEst Damping Stepsize #Res #Jac #Sol LinErr LinRes 1 0.96 1.0000000 0.96...
Even within a single physics, introducing any kind ofnonlinearity, such as making the material properties a function of temperature, can result in the system matrix being nonsymmetric. This will increase the memory requirements. It’s possible to prevent this by using thenojac()operator to avoidsy...
The strain vector that enters into the external material usestensorcomponents for the shears. The Jacobian is defined assuming tensor components of the shears; therefore, it is generally nonsymmetric. The case of plane stress is handled outside the external material feature, so we only need to ma...