Whenmodelingmagneticfield,weneedtohaveaclosedcurrentloop Useappropriateboundaryconditionsforopengeometries Overview ••ThistutorialdescribeshowtousethefollowingfeaturesSingle-turncoildomain –Gapfeed–Boundaryfeed • Multi-turncoildomain –––––LinearcoilCircularcoilNumericcoilUsingsymmetryUser-definedcoil Sin...
This boundary condition also means that the magnetic field is zero in the normal direction to the boundary. That is, the magnetic field must be tangential to this boundary. As a consequence, this boundary condition has the physical interpretation of a boundary through which current can only flow...
Single-turnandmulti-turncoil domainsin3D ©2012COMSOL.Allrightsreserved. Introduction •ThistutorialshowshowtousetheSingle-TurnCoilDomainand Multi-TurnCoilDomainfeaturesinCOMSOL’sMagneticFields interfaceformodelingcoilsin3D •ThesefeaturesareavailableonlywiththeAC/DCModule •Theyaresuitableforcomputationally...
This post was originally published in 2014. It has since been updated for accuracy and to include further information on the Magnetic Field of a Helmholtz Coil tutorial. Creating Uniform Magnetic Fields with Helmholtz Coils Magnetic fields are forces that are created by moving electrical charges and...
magnetic vector potential (A) and electric potential (V) Transient simulation is not supported for such cases because V is not uniquely defined at each point in space In time domain analysis, the voltage (V) is defined as a path integral between two points in space For details on the A-...
For this simulation, the effective mode inde 11、x for the fundamental mode, 1.4444 corresponds to a normalized frequency of4.895. The electric and magnetic fields for this mode is shown in Figure 1 below.E x y z t ,(E x y ,(e j t z (=E ×(×k 02n 2E 0=n eff k 0-=V ...
core is made of pure silica glass with refractive index n 1 = 1.4457 and the cladding is doped, with a refractive index of n 2 = 1.4378. These values are valid for free-space wavelengths of 1.55 μm. The radius of the cladding is chosen to be large enough so that the field of...
manipulation of spin current and nonlinear dynamics of magnetic moments (Refs. 11–12). The cavity magnonic system can be simulated by coupling the Micromagnetics Module and RF Module. For magnetostatic simulation, coupling between the Micromagnetics Module and AC/DC Module (magnetic fields) is ...
A model of two parallel magnetic rods from the Electromagnetic Force Verification tutorial series. Now that you have a basic rundown of BEM, you might be wondering what can you do with it. For one, this method is advantageous when accurate flux computation is important. In this series of...