Run COMSOL @ remote PC -> JAVA error!!! Send Private Message Hi guys! I'm trying to run COMSOL to simulate myscript.m file, which works perfectly on my PC, in another PC. This is what I did: ssh -X etc etc cd myfolder nohup ./ & in I got this: ... ...
Note: If I do "comsol -nn 1 server" it does in fact start on the node that I have the VNC session on. I thought maybe that was enough, but I get the same error in the log part of comsol's GUI if I connect to the server running on that 1 node. Talking to the computing guys...
Can I pass a query with https.get in node.js? I'm trying to pass a query in http.get. This works: This results in a 404: There is no query option built into the HTTP or HTTPS library in Node Core when performing a request. Query strings are actua... ...
Can I pass a query with https.get in node.js? I'm trying to pass a query in http.get. This works: This results in a 404: There is no query option built into the HTTP or HTTPS library in Node Core when performing a request. Query strings are actua... ...
Local thermal nonequilibrium (LTNE), where distinct energy equations are formulated for the solid and fluid phases, and it is important to take into account for the heat transfer at the fluid-solid interface A model of apacked bed latent heat storage unitincluding phase change effects and local...
三种放法对水平地面的压强分别为pa 、pb 、pc 。则下列关系表述正确的是( ) = pb= pc< pb= pc pb< pc D pa< pb< pc 如图3(a)所示,在质量、高度均相等的甲、乙两圆柱体上沿水平方向切去相同的厚度,并将切去部分叠放至对方剩余部分上表面的中央,如图3(b)所示。若此时甲′...
would have waited to learn COMSOL using v4. I use Putty and NX Client to remote into a Linux desktop which runs my COMSOL. I have been having some of the issues mentioned in this thread, namely GLX errors when attempting to get updated graphics in COMSOL. This was resolved by changing;...