Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) simulation tool for Finite Element Method (FEM) models. Features inclusion of temperature dependency and emulation within the program. The user can supply a data file and generate simulated reflection spectrums of an array of FBG sensors in response to stress, strain, ...
The next step is to create the Delaunay tetrahedralization of the boundary mesh points, which form the convex hull of these points. These are also a set of points that have some nice mathematical properties, such as that no point of the point set will be placed inside the circumsphere of ...
In the 2D example that we have investigated in this blog post, the mesh is dense enough over the whole region where the free surface is expected to be found for the level set and phase field method. However, for 3D cases, we cannot always afford this type of resolution. One approach is...
To see an attractive animation of the centrifugal governor’s trajectory, you can go to the Results section and click on the Animate button. The Report button, meanwhile, will generate a text report of the app for one, two, or all three of the study types. The Information section will fu...
The COMSOL software starts with the information about the loads, boundary conditions, material properties, and finite element mesh and generates data that is used during the solution process. Many gigabytes of memory are needed to store the system matrices, generate intermediate information, and comput...
The primary motivation in COMSOL Multiphysics for using brick and prism elements is that they can significantly reduce the number of elements in the mesh. These elements can have very high aspect ratios (the ratio of longest to shortest edge), whereas the algorithm used to create a tet mesh ...
The low Reynolds number k-ε model is similar to the k-ε model, but does not need wall functions: it can solve for the flow everywhere. It is a logical extension of the k-ε model and shares many of its advantages, but generally requires a denser mesh; not only at walls, but ever...