This example demonstrates how you can apply this technique using the LiveLink™ for MATLAB®. Application Library path: LiveLink_for_MATLAB/Tutorials/domain_activation_llmatlab Model definition: Assume that you want to study the heat distribution in a larger copper plate as it is heated by a...
第一步是在 GUI 中创建一个很简单的包含耦合变量或周期性边界条件的模型,运行后保存成 m 文件,用于命令行建模。下面的几个例子就是这方面的应用:elcplextr_example.m说明如何在一个矩形几何结构中运算Poisson方程,其中引入了周期性和反周期性边界条件。elcplscalar_example.m 演示了如何使用积分耦合变量来引入一个...
comsol batch -nn 4 -nnhost 1 -np 8 -f hostfile -inputfile example.mph \ -outputfile example_solved.mph -batchlog logfile.log 在第二个例子中,输入文件example.mph可以是包含参数化扫描的任意 COMSOL 模型文件,其中每个参数值的求解可以在一台机器上完成。在集群中分布扫描可以加快求解速度。在准备模型...
Get started simulating devices, designs, and processes with the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. Download example models and apps.
1 一维稳态扩散方程 1.1 控制方程 一维稳态扩散方程的形式为−∂2T∂x2=0 1.2 边界条件 ...
Yes you can. Check the example below. It changes the relative permittivity with the level set function but you could use the same functionality to apply a charge: dongjie fu ...
“案例下载”页面提供丰富的 COMSOL Multiphysics®教学案例和 App 演示文件,涉及电气、结构、声学、流体、传热和化工等各个学科领域。欢迎下载这些教学案例或 App 演示文件及其随附的操作说明,将其作为您建模仿真工作的绝佳起点。 您可以使用左侧的【快速搜索】工具查找与您的专业领域相关的案例模型和仿真 App。请注意...
In this example, the stack is interlayered with bipolar plates that carry liquid cooling fluid. The image on the left shows the repetitive unit cell used to help form the model geometry. In contrast, the pictures in the middle and on the right show the final model geometry, which is const...
This example studies in detail how to create uniform droplets in a microchannel T-junction. Setting up the model you can make use of the Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Level Set interface. The model uses the predefined wetted wall boundary condition at the solid walls, with a contact angle of 135...