Movie Solutions-包括Box Office Essentials和International Box Office Essentials,提供国内和国际影院总收入和上座率的详细测量数据,以及全球范围内特定电影的信息;PostTrak是一种出口调查服务,可报告观众人口统计数据以及每部影片引发兴趣和上座率的原因;Swift是一种电子票房报告系统,可促进影院级票务交易的对账流程 Hollyw...
Swift 3 amphtml Public Forked from ampproject/amphtml AMP HTML source code, samples, and documentation. See below for more info. JavaScript Public HTML Repositories Loading Type Language Sort Showing 5 of 5 repositories Comscore-Swift...
‘Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour’ sets records, becoming the biggest-ever Imax opening for a film by a musical artist Oct. 16, 2023 at 9:46 a.m. ETby James Rogers Media‘Barbie’ Rakes in $1 Billion in Global Box Office Ticket Sales ...
Comscore Swift™ is an electronic box office reporting system that facilitates an efficient flow of reconciled theater-level ticket transactions. 詳細 Complete Automation Simplify and streamline processes by letting Comscore automatically handle all invoices and billing transactions from start to finish. ...
Electronic Box Office Transaction Reporting Streamline the theatrical invoicing process and make billing easier and more efficient with Comscore Swift™. 阅读更多 相关资源 让自己拥有推动业务增长所需的知识。 Blog Concert Movies Sing at The Box Office!
In addition to the Swift launch, we are excited about our upcoming analytic tool called Forecast. Designed by the data-science team at Gower Street Analytics and using robust data sets provided by comScore, Forecast will allow distributors to “forecast” the potential box office performance of al... 美国 $10000+ 1,500,000+ 1,000+ 很高 美国 $2000+ 50+ 1,000+ 很高 美国 $500+ 50,000+ 中等的 美国 $5000+ 1,000,000+ 10+ 很高 美国 $2000+ 500,000+ 100+ 很高 美国 $10000+ 2,000...
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« New @GoSwiftmile Global Micromobility Ad Network 3D Digital Media Art WHALE in Times Square »GSTV Turns to Comscore for #DOOH Audience MeasurementAdrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief Comscore (Nasdaq: SCOR), a trusted partner for planning, transacting and evaluating media, today announced ...
So, while Bing may soon be able to sing “we’re number two!”—at least in the United States—it’s still far behind Google, which Comscore says accounted for 65.4 percent of the U.S. search market during the same period. However, it’s important to remember that for the last year...