许多CI / CD系统工具为开发团队和DevOps团队提供了源代码控制,构建工件和部署功能等功能。GitLab就是...
<Project> <PropertyGroup> <SolutionToBuild>D:\test\...\solution.sln</SolutionToBuild> <ProjectToBuild>D:\test\...\project.csproj</ProjectToBuild> </PropertyGroup> <TargetName="Build"> <MSBuildProjects="$(ProjectToBuild)"Properties="SolutionFileName=$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName('$(Sol...
There are MSBuild targets for this as well, but since we have that Nuget.exe right there, we can call “nuget pack” (if you don’t have that, you can pass it a csproj after the word ‘pack’). In this case we are going to use a few of the optional command line arguments ...
Pass a path to an .sln file or a .csproj file (or multiple paths separated by spaces) to create an index for them Pass /out: to HtmlGenerator.exe to configure where to generate the website to. This path will be used in step 6 as your "physicalPath". ...
可以使用csproj文件中的Nullable元素为项目设置可空注解上下文和可空警告上下文。此元素配置编译器如何解释类型的可空性以及生成哪些警告。有效的设置包括: enable: 启用可空注解上下文。启用可空警告上下文。引用类型的变量,例如字符串,是非空的。所有可空性警告都已启用。
dotnet restore dotnet tool restore dotnet ef database update -c catalogcontext -p ../Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj -s Web.csproj dotnet ef database update -c appidentitydbcontext -p ../Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj -s Web.csproj These commands will create two separate databases, one...