The Likert scale was utilized in the survey, and the mean and the degree of agreement for each question were determined. The weighted average was used to calculate the degree of agreement, as shown in Table2. Table 2 Degree of agreement for each question based on the weighted average Full ...
We conducted ANOVAs to investigate changes in mean-value-differences and if changes were by chance or systematic and significant. We found no significant main effect on the outcome measure of the dependent variable satisfaction for both factor extraversion F(1,72) = 0.24,p= 0.63, η2 = 0.01,...
Experts transform experiences from the real world into the degree of mutual influence of the attributes using the Likert scale (1: very low influence; 2: low influence; 3: high influence; 4: very high influence). The establishment of n × n becomes the direct relation matrix, B. Then bij...