根据期刊官网显示,哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院计算机系的张海军教授为该刊副主编之一。JCR及中科院分区 根据WOS的最新JCR分区显示,当前NEURAL COMPUT APPL在COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE领域分区为Q1。根据2020年12月出炉的最新升级版中科院分区显示,当前NEURAL COMPUT APPL位于大类学科-计算机科学3区,小类学...
Moreover, new techniques, such as cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence, have injected new vitality into remote sensing image processing and provide innovative technical means of solving the large-scale automatic processing of and intelligent information extraction from satellite data, ...
Moreover, new techniques, such as cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence, have injected new vitality into remote sensing image processing and provide innovative technical means of solving the large-scale automatic processing of and intelligent information extraction from satellite data, ...