The use of tablet computers to determine visual function in patients withmacular degeneration using novel and innovative computer software, an observational feasibility study.Nnenne Uwa OnuAllied Academies
Socio-economic deprivation and visual acuity at presentation in exudative age-related macular degeneration AIM: To evaluate the influence of socio-economic factors on visual acuity (VA) at presentation in exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD). METHODS... N Acharya,N Lois,J Townend,......
macular degeneration (AMD)". The AMDF says recent studies suggest that the blue end of the light spectrum may also contribute to retinal damage and possibly lead to AMD. The retina can be harmed by high-energy visible radiation of blue/violet light that penetrates the macular pigment found in...
W. (1999). New approaches for vision rehabilitation. In Berger, J. W. , Fine, S. L. , & Maguire, M. G. (Eds.), Age-related macular degeneration (pp. 443鈥450). Philadelphia: Mosby. Google Scholardoi:10.1177/0145482X0209600608Dr....