computerizedmaintenancemanagementsystem-经营管理系.ppt,Fault analyses for maintenance strategy /*Access SQL language*/ SELECT [MMS SEARCH COMPOENT]. Component, [MMS SEARCH COMPOENT].[Job No], [MMS SEARCH COMPOENT].Date, [MMS SEARCH COMPOENT].Factory, [MM
40阅读文档大小:4.62M89页4dddc75b上传于2015-06-23格式:PPT 计算机维护管理系统Computerized Maintenance Management Systems Made Easy 热度: Computerized maintenance management system - WHO 热度: Computerized Maintenance Management System:计算机化维护管理系统 ...
Objectives Develop the awareness and the skills to build quality and data integrity into computer systems used in clinical research Develop a practical and useful reference for technical, clinical research, clinical laboratory and management personnel who design, test, use, support and manage computerize...
文档标题《Computerized Accounting Information SystemsOVERVIEW[电算化会计信息系统概述]》,总页数为32页,主要介绍了与Computerized Accounting Information SystemsOVERVIEW[电算化会计信息系统概述]相关的资料,希望对大家有用,欢迎大家浏览! 文档格式: .ppt 文档大小: ...