Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) software supports maintenance planners, engineers, real estate owners, and service providers to ensure streamlined and compliant execution of work.
Make better decisions with PEMAC's Intelligent Computerised Maintenance Management System. Unlock powerful advantages in competitive markets. Learn more here.
The selection of a Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is a strategic decision in any industry. In hospitals such systems are becoming increasingly necessary because of the high proportion of the budget allocated to the maintenance area and the increasing demand for quality from both ...
CMMS's are often perceived to be no more than a means of scheduling maintenance work. This is because most people's experiences of maintenance management will have been on one of the manual systems previously discussed. While preventive maintenance scheduling is normally part of a computerised syst...
The System Mainteno’s innovative software system is user-friendly and adapable. Perfect for managing all aspects of maintenance, our system also tracks assets and is suited to more general task management. Learn more Managing Maintenance
company requiredaComputerisedMaintenanceManagement Systemthatwould be compatible with existing systems. 国际能源服务巨头Wood Group PSN,在澳大利亚西北地区,为当地一家石油天然气公司启动维护服务项目,需要引进一套能与其现有计算机体系兼容的维护管理软件系统。
A Computerised References Management System It is essential for a research department to develop a filing system which will allow easy and comprehensive indexing of scientific papers which are collected. The system must be capable of indexing, storing and retrieving information re... AM Seifalian,RL...
Development and implementation of a computerised management information system (DAIRYMIS II) of Irish dairy farmersBridge management systemsCanadaConferencesMaintenancePublic private partnershipsRepairingTransportation operationsEach month, the dairy farmer receives a number of reports which relate to his own ...
Advertising, marketing studies, opinion polling, marketing analysis, marketing research, statistics in the field of commerce, updating and maintenance of data in computer databases, computerised data management, professional business consultancy, business management and organisation consultancy, business consultan...
of the contact wires, which is able to check more than four conductors at the same time. The common employ of this new trolley and relevant computerized system in Italian railway electrified lines will produce a great improvement in the planning of catenaries maintenance and management. In part...