microprocessor, modem, monitor, motherboard, mouse, MP3 player, multiplexor, optical character reader, optical disk, optical scanner, port, printed circuit board, printer, processor, scanner, screen, SDRAM, SIMM, sound card, speaker, trackball, transistor, USB port, visual display unitorVDU, webca...
(trademark), uptime, USB, user-defined key, user group, utility, vaccine, variable, virtual address, virtual memory, virtual reality, virtual storage, virus, visual programming, voice input, voice recognition, voice response, volatile memory, WAN, WAP, warez, webcasting, web development, wild ...
*TTs Karaoke- Default Home Version 1.0 ,the result is that when you press 'Play' the words are highlighted as they are read. Convert, unlimited text to audio for voice over & video projects. * Text To Speech TikTok Text To Speech TikTok ...
Phone Validator - Pretty accurate phone lookup service, particularly good against Google Voice numbers. PhoneInfoga - Advanced information gathering & OSINT framework for phone numbers Reverse Phone Check - Look up names, addresses, phone numbers, or emails and anonymously discover information about your...
cellular data connections (as the Galaxy Tab does), they are typically limited to data and Short Message Service/MMS and do not support cellular voice calls. However, with the convergence of voice and data, we expect tablet devices to supportVoice over Internet Protocolphone and video calls ...
The breakthrough raises the prospect of significant benefits, such as = allowing people who are unable to move or speak to communicate via = visualisation=20 of their thoughts; recording people=92s dreams; or allowing police to = identify=20 criminals...
Chart Reader: Accessible Visualization Experiences Designed with Screen Reader Users John Thompson, Jesse Martinez, Alper Sarikaya, Ed Cutrell, Bongshin Lee CHI ’23: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems | April 2023 Project Decorative, Evocative, and Uncanny:...
Digital Simultaneous Voice Data Digital sort Digital sound card Digital sovereignty Digital stock photo Digital storage Digital subscriber line Digital tablet Digital technology Digital Theater Sound Digital Theater Systems Digital thermal sensor Digital-to-analog converter Digital trail Digital transformation ser...
VAM (voice spam) 语音垃圾邮件 vampire tap 吸血头,插入式分接头 VAN (value-added network) 增值网络 variable 变量 variable bit length 可变位长 variable bit rate (VBR) 可变比特率 variable-length instruction 变长指令 variable-size partition 大小可变分区 variable word length 可变字长 VAX (virtual addr...
The most well-known real-world gadgets are digital assistants such as Google Assistant or Siri, which respond to the term only with your voice. Spam detection: This tool is used to prevent fictitious or machine-based communications from being sent. Gmail includes an algorithm that learns ...