DOS or disk operating system (trademark), dot matrix, download, downsize, down time, dumb terminal, dump, dpi or dots per inch, driver, dump, duplex, EBCDIC or extended binary-coded decimal-interchange code, echo, ecommerce, edit, editor, EEPROM, electronic flight information systems, electron...
Add your answer: Earn +20 pts Q: Show a well labelled diagram of a computer floppy disk? Write your answer... Submit Still have questions? Find more answers Ask your question Related questions Could you please show a labelled diagram of a lion? Not really you can search it on-line or...
(i) 1 mark per bullet point 3 Diagram shows: All four devices labelled and connected directly to the server • And no other device • Two-way flow of data between each device and the server Computer Printer 1 Server Computer Computer 2(a)(ii) 1 mark per benefit and 1 mark for a...
In PCs, for example, a Basic Input Output System (BIOS) provides elementary operating instructions for input and output connections of the computer CPU with the keyboard, memory, monitor controller, and external device controllers. Operating systems, such as MS-DOS, provide a collection of ...
The second (L2) cache is slightly slower and sits between the L1 cache and RAM. The L1 cache and L2 cache can be clearly seen on this enlarged labelled image of a CPU. Typical cache memory sizes range from 256KB to 4MB.SUMMARY: Cache memory is a very fast memory that is built into...
To help you visualise how an HDD’s moving parts look like, here’s a labelled diagram of it: Ref:researchgate Flash Drives Ref:EverythingUSB Flash drives are also known as thumb drives, pen drives and sometimes USB drives, it is also one of the most popular secondary storage devices. Th...
A security system for a customer computer site includes a cloud-based manager (CBM) and on-site components. The on-site components include a manager appliance, guest agents of the C
Output types of polymorphic function icons are determined by their input types prior to executing the diagram. The system automatically constructs a connection diagram consisting of an icon with connection points that are labelled with the names of associated front panel controls and indicators. A ...
Furthermore, to evaluate the impact of image quality on the training of a federated model, each strategy was trained twice: (i) with all the images from the dataset available and (ii) where images labelled “Reject” were excluded from the training process. ...
Diagram showing how a particular MIPS architecture instruction would be decoded by the control system. The control system's function is as follows—note that this is a simplified description and some of these steps may be performed concurrently or in a different order depending on the type of CP...