Types Of Computer Systems A microcomputer—generally used by only one person at a time––uses a microprocessor chip as its CPU. As small as one quarter of an inch square, a chip is made of silicon, a material made from sand. Silicon is referred to as a semiconductor because it ...
@ Part6 Practice on Passage * P.* @ Part 1 Notes to Text 1) Computer software, consisting of programs, enables a computer to perform specific tasks, as opposed to its physical components (hardware) which can only do the tasks they are mechanically designed for.计算机软件是由各种程序构成的...
Unit 4- Computer Software Identify how hardware & software interact Explain how a software program works Describe the difference between application and system software Describe the software distribution process What is Hardware? ◦ Hardware is physical ◦ You can touch it...
26、ms of 以以.名义名义(观点观点)characters per second (cps) 每秒钟字符数每秒钟字符数 17Types Of Computer Systems vThe processing speed in millions of instructions per second (mips). The term instruction is used here to describe a basic task (that) the software asks the computer to perform...
Part 1: 5 Common Types of Software in Computer Here's an introduction to the uses of the five common types of software in computing: 1. Office Suite Office suites like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and LibreOffice provide a comprehensive set of productivity tools for creating, editing, ...
Software—a specific set of instructions that tells the computer exactly what to do. Primary Components—input devices, processor, memory, output devices, storage devices, and communication devices. Processor—interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer. ...
Computersareusedineducationtoenhanceteachingandlearningthroughtheuseofinteractivesoftware,onlineresources,anddistancelearningplatforms BusinessandIndustry Computersplayacriticalroleinbusinessandindustry,enablingeffectivedatamanagement,communication,andautomationofvariousprocesses Entertainment Computersareapopularformofentertainment,...
2. a 3. d 4. b Lesson 3 LANs and IP Address Goal Gain knowledge of LANs and IP address. Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More New Words and Phrases Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More 3 New Words and Phrases Look at the pictures. Do you know about the types of the ...