Computer Classes in Kollam .We Established in 1998 is an IT Institution under the Govt of Kerala C-DIT CEP Partner.
Hippokrateshat einmal pointiert: „Die Menschen sollten wissen, dass aus nichts anderem als dem Gehirn Freuden, Wonnen, Gelächter, Spott sowie Kummer, Leid, Verzweiflung und Wehklagen hervorkommen“, (zitiert nach [32, S. 4]). Zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts liest sich die Aussag...
select article Integration of the A2C Algorithm for Production Scheduling in a Two-Stage Hybrid Flow Shop Environment Research articleOpen access Integration of the A2C Algorithm for Production Scheduling in a Two-Stage Hybrid Flow Shop Environment Falk T. Gerpott, Sebastian Lang, Tobias Reggelin, ...
Level Set Based Segmentation in Spine CT Images Using Random Contour Initialization JENNY PATRICK, INDU M.G PG Scholar [Signal Processing], Dept. of ECE, TKM Institute of Technology, Kollam, Kerala, India Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, TKM Institute of technology, Kollam, Kerala, India ...
Clarke C L A, Kolla M, Cormack G V, Vechtomova O, Ashkan A, Büttcher S, MacKinnon I. Novelty and diversity in information retrieval evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. 2008, 659–666 Google ...