Computer Science and Game Theory订阅 0 订阅 Game theory is the mathematical theory of strategic interactions between self-interested agents. Game theory provides a range of models for representing strategic interactions, and associated with these, a family of solution concepts, which attempt to ...
Work at the intersection of computer science and game theory is briefly surveyed, with a focus on the work in computer science. In particular, the following topics are considered: various roles of computational complexity in game theory, including modelling bounded rationality, its role in mechanism...
Game theory has influenced many fields, including economics (its initial focus), political science, biology, and many others. In. recent years, its presence in computer science has become impossible to ignore. GT Is an integral part of artificial intelligence (AI), theory, e-commerce, networking...
Work at the intersection of computer science and game theory is briefly surveyed, with a focus on the work in computer science. In particular, the following topics are considered: various roles of computational complexity in game theory, including modelling bounded rationality, its role in mechanism...
Game theory and mathematical economics: a theoretical computer scientist's introduction There has been recently increasing interaction between game theory and, more generally, economic theory, with theoretical computer science, mainly in the c... CH Papadimitriou - IEEE Symposium on Foundations of ...
(computer science and game theory) Bayesian Persuasion Suppose that $k=2$,$p=(0.4,0.6)$,and the Receiver’s action space is $A=\{$adopt, reject$\}$.Suppose that Sender’s utility equals1if Receiver adopts and0if Receiv...
Explore this list of over 2,400 terms like software, spreadsheet, storage, and server. Navigate quickly through the list by clicking one of the letters below; for example, click 'M' to find terms like 'smartphone' in the 'SM' section....
This article aims to understand and compare the associational effects of computer game playing and social media use on learners’ computer science (CS) identity and CS career interests. We also wish to advance understanding of the gender aspects in the relationship between leisure computer use and ...
There has been a remarkable increase in work at the interface of computer science and game theory in the past decade. Game theory forms a significant component of some major computer science conferences (see, for example, Kearns and Reiter, 2005; Sandhol
Using games in education has the potential to increase students’ motivation and engagement in the learning process, gathering long-lasting practical knowledge. Expanding interest in implementing a game-based approach in computer science education highli