Paul Gries has been teaching in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto for more than 15 years. During his time at UofT, Paul has won numerous teaching awards, has co-authored two textbooks, has been a leader in departmental curriculum design and renewal, and with ...
20.Foundations of Data ScienceLots of Legends, Simons InstituteDS-BootCampYouTube-Lectures2018 21.Deep Learning and Bayesian MethodsLots of Legends, HSE MoscowDLBM-SSYouTube-Lectures2018 22.New Deep Learning TechniquesLots of Legends, IPAM UCLAIPAM-WorkshopYouTube-Lectures2018 ...
Paul Gries has been teaching in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto for more than 15 years. During his time at UofT, Paul has won numerous teaching awards, including UofT’s most prestigious teaching award and an Ontario-wide teaching award. Paul has also co-...