Bachelor's Thesis within the subject field Computer Science at Department of Software Engineering & Computer Science (IPD) Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) To be able to protect an organisation's resources, it is important to understand what there is to protect and what to protect it from...
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology from the College of William and Mary A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE HONORS COLLEGE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR HONORS IN THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF PSYC...
Computer Science master's thesis on finding maxima of Gaussian Sum-Product Networks (USP 2023) - tmadeira/gspn
In the rapidly evolving field of computer science, natural computing plays an important role as the catalyst for the synergy of human designed computing with the computing going on in nature. This synergy leads to a deeper and broader understanding of the nature of computation. Although natural ...
When Helsinki University of Technology (HUT), after a period of basic programming courses, set out to offer their students a full curriculum of computer science courses, they did it in their own way. Instead of the usual mathematically oriented universit
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Henry Oinas-Kukkonen Department of Information Processing Science, University of Oulu, P.O. Box 3000, FIN-90014, Finland Jouni Similä, Petri Pulli, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen & Pentti Kerola Editor information Editors and Affiliations Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Qatar University, 2713...
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3–8. Nova Science Publishers, New York (2007) Google Scholar Valdecantos, H.A.: An empirical study on code comprehension: DCI Compared to OO. Thesis, Rochester Institute of Technology (2016). Wirfs-Brock, R., McKean, A.: Object Design: ...
Kleinrock became a professor of engineering (and then latercomputer science) at theUniversity of California,Los Angeles, in 1963. The government agencyAdvanced Research Projects Agency(ARPA), which later became the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), was funding computer research at seve...